If there is one thing that a reader will take away from Flight Journal’s World War II’s First Dogfights, it is a clear understanding that WW II didn’t suddenly start in June 1940 during the Battle of Britain or the morning of December 7, 1941, at Pearl Harbor. This special issue takes the reader through the complex 1930s’ development of iconic fighters and mortal enemies that led up to the war. It spells out the different philosophies that drove aircraft design and aerial warfare, and birthed the likes of the Zero, P-40, Spitfire, and Messerschmitt. More important, every developing fighter had its first dogfight and every ace had his baptism in fire, and this issue gives the reader a ringside seat to it all.
6 | 1938–1939: A Changing World of Dogfights
New airplanes, new capabilities, new tactics
by Barrett Tillman
18 | 1940–1941: The Clash of Icons
The war begins—the Battle of Britain and Pearl Harbor
by John Lloyd
32 | 1942–1943: Climbing the Learning Curve
New challenges strain both sides
by Andrew Charles
46 | The New Generation Arrives
Refining the art of war
by Barrett Tillman
60 | Remembering the First
Aces at the beginning
by Barrett Tillman
72 | Prototypes to Legends
Evolution of the icons
by Budd Davisson
4 | Editorial
30 | In Theater: A Study in Armed Utility
The Corsair in combat
by Budd Davisson
58 | In Theater: The Sleeping Dragon Awakens
An amazing decade of progress
by Budd Davisson
68 | In Theater: Brewster’s F3A Buffalo
Not deserving of its reputation?
by Barrett Tillman
82 | Tailview
Fighter pilots: A warrior clan
by Budd Davisson