Description: Easy-to-fly, pint-sized aerobat
Designed by Dave Robelen, the Pattern Babe is a state-of-the-art, lightweight model that can fly a wide range of smooth aerobatic maneuvers on modest power and in relatively small spaces. A baseball infield would be big enough for most maneuvers. Because it handles smoothly, the Pattern Babe does not require a high degree of expertise to fly it well.
Additional Information:
- Type: Electric aerobat
- Wingspan: 28.75 in.
- Weight: 5.7 oz.
- Wing Area: 194 sq. in.
- Wing Loading: 4.3 oz./sq. ft.
- Drive system used: GWS IPS power unit
- Prop used: 9×6, 9×7
- Battery used: 8-cell, 120 mAh Ni-Cd
- Radio req’d: 3-channel micro
- Radio used: GWS receiver, 2 Hitec HS-50 servos and a GWS 2A ESC
- Difficulty Level: 2
- Sheets: 1
Difficulty Level: